Australian Institute of Polish Affairs


Podcast: Australia’s surprising role representing Poland during WW2
Georgina Downer from the Robert Menzies Institute speaks with Gosia Klatt to tell the remarkable tale of how Australia came[…]
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Hybrid Warfare or Hybrid Threat – The Use of Lawfare and Disinformation in Poland and Australia
It was a wonderful evening at University of Melbourne, made possible by the warm hospitality of AIPA. Special thanks to Alexandra Dunwill, PhD and Gosia (Malgorzata) Klatt for organizing the event.[…]
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National Day Reception in Canberra
Dear AIPA Members and Friends, On Wednesday, 8th May 2024, I flew to Canberra to attend the National Day Reception,  organized[…]
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Happy Easter to all AIPA Members
As Easter approaches, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to all of you at the[…]
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Prof Markowski’s visit to Australia – my post-visit reflections
As we bid farewell to Professor Radosław Markowski following his recent visit, I’d like to take a moment to reflect[…]
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Phillip Adams interviews Professor Markowski on Late Night Live
After 8 years in office, the populist Law and Justice party (PiS) was voted out in late 2023 and a coalition of democrats begins the task of reconfiguring the political and social landscape of Poland. Radoslaw Markowski: Professor of Political Science,[…]
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President’s Report and list of Key Events 2023
Australian Institute of Polish Affairs President’s Report – October 2022 to October 2023 Reflecting on the events and activities undertaken[…]
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Professor Markowski’s lectures in Melbourne
Dear AIPA Members and Friends, After the COVID pandemic and the ensuing hiatus in our ability to host overseas guests,[…]
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AIPA supports WOŚP Melbourne
AIPA donated money to the Melbourne branch of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC), (in Polish known as WOŚP)[…]
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Expressions of solidarity and support for the new government of the Republic of Poland
Recently, Poland witnessed a remarkable transition in leadership, and it is with great pleasure that AIPA Board members took the[…]
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Prof. Radosław Markowski on post-election Poland
The recording of the webinar with Professor Radoslaw Markowski, the distinguished expert in political science, is now available on our[…]
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Climate change policies: decarbonisation from Australian, Polish and global perspectives
In April 2023, Professor Jan Kozlowski from the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the Jagiellonian University presented at two AIPA[…]
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President’s Report and list of Key Events 2022
Dear AIPA Members,I am happy to report that the last eleven months following our AGM in November 2021 were veryfruitful.[…]
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Złoty czas dla polskiej dyplomacji – artykuł
Andrzej Jaroszyński, a former Polish Ambassador to Australia, has been interviewed in the Gazeta Wyborcza. The text in Polish is[…]
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A Pandemic of Populists – recording of the webinar with Professor Sadurski.
Dear AIPA Members and Friends, You are invited to the AIPA webinar, A Pandemic of Populists: On the Populist Threat to[…]
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Webinar with Professor Martin Krygier: Populism and the Rule of Law – in the world and in Warsaw.
Dear Friends, The recording of the AIPA webinar with the prominent expert on constitutional law, Professor Martin Krygier, “Populism and[…]
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AIPA Board Stands with Ukraine
A number of AIPA members have attended recent rallies in Melbourne, Sydney and Hobart in support of Ukraine.  The Australian[…]
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SBS interview with the new President of AIPA
Dr Alexandra Dunwill was interviewed by radio SBS to talk about AIPA’s achievements, new challenges, and plans for the future.[…]
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Review: Fenomen Australijskiego Instytutu Spraw Polskich
Dear AIPA Members and Supporters, Below is a review of the recently published book about AIPA titled ‘Fenomen Australijskiego Instytutu[…]
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President’s welcome address
Dear AIPA Members and Supporters. Dear Friends, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new President[…]
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Book: Fenomen Australijskiego Instytutu Spraw Polskich. Przykład aktywności obywatelskiej polskiej inteligencji w Australii po 1989 roku
Book by Zofia Kinowska-Mazaraki has been published in 2021 to analyse the 30 years of AIPA activities and our Institute’s[…]
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b. 19 December 1921 – d. 6 April 2008 A stalwart of Polish political life in exile, a tireless champion[…]
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Webinar with Radek Sikorski
The Australian Institute of Polish Affairs (AIPA) is excited to host a distinguished politician and author, a Member of the[…]
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AIPA interview with SBS Radio regarding the publication by the Department of Immigration
Prof. Gosia Klatt, the AIPA President, has been interviewed by the SBS Radio (Polish section) on the controversial publication of[…]
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AIPA Open Letter published in Gazeta Wyborcza
On 13 October 2021, the most influential Polish daily, Gazeta Wyborcza, published our open letter on the ruling of the[…]
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Edukacja oparta na dowodach – głos z Australii
Artykuł ukazał się na łamach Gazety Wyborczej 2 marca 2021 “Jesteś znudzony czytaniem i wsłuchiwaniem się w wykłady? – studiuj[…]
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Suppressing truth
Statement by the Australian Institute of Polish Affairs In view of the recently concluded trial in Poland of two Holocaust[…]
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AIPA open letter published in Gazeta Wyborcza
On 3 January 2021, Gazeta Wyborcza published the letter of support from AIPA for Mr. Miroslaw Chojecki, an important opposition[…]
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Dezaprobata wobec decyzji IPN
28 December 2020, AIPA wyraża dezaprobatę wobec decyzji Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej dotyczącej zasług Pana Mirosława Chojeckiego Australijski Instytut Spraw Polskich[…]
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Elite schools in Poland – AIPA seminar
Dr Alexandra Dunwill presented the findings from her PhD thesis on elite schools in Poland. Poland’s elite school options have[…]
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President’s annual report 2020
When I was taking over the role of AIPA President last November, I had a number of plans and strategies[…]
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Media Release
Large demonstrations in Poland sparked by the constitutional court’s anti-abortion ruling Poland, once a symbol of successful transformation from communist[…]
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Dr Tomasz Woźniak interview on SBS
Dear AIPA members and friends, I would like to draw your attention to the second part of the interview for[…]
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Edukacja w Australii YouTube
Dr Małgorzata Klatt, Prezes Australijskiego Instytutu Spraw Polskich (AIPA) i wykładowca na the University of Melbourne, przedstawia jak system edukacyjny[…]
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Wywiad dla radia SBS
Dear AIPA members and friends, Zachęcam wszystkich do wysłuchania wywiadu udzielonego radiu SBS przez członka AIPA Tomasza Wozniaka na temat[…]
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The strategies of fighting the Covid-19 pandemic (in Polish)
Dear AIPA members and friends, I am excited to let you know that a new recorded presentation has been published[…]
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The AIPA’s President Report
June 2020 Dear AIPA members and friends, This report comes in a context of great uncertainty and sadness over the[…]
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An SBS interview with the new president of AIPA – Dr Małgorzata Klatt
Link to[…]
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President’s Report
February 2020 Dear AIPA members and friends, As I am traveling through Poland on a new and fresh regional train[…]
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The Position of a Director of the Polin Museum
Together with Bernard Korbman, the former Co-President of the Association of Polish Jews and their Descendants, we signed a letter[…]
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100th Birthday Anniversary of Prof. Jerzy Zubrzycki, the Father of Australian Multiculturalism
Jerzy (George) Zubrzycki – a centenary reminiscence Author: Jan Pakulski, MA, PhD, ASSA Jerzy (George) Zubrzycki, AO, CBE (military), who[…]
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Poland after the 2019 parliamentary elections – a paper by Prof. Jan Pakulski
Please click the link below to download the paper  Poland after 2019 elections.[…]
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Przełamywanie barier – 30 lat dialogu Polsko-Żydowskiego w wielokulturowej Australii (1989 – 2019)
Wykład wygłoszony przez Adama Warzela w Ośrodku Badań nad Migracjami Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 27 maja 2019 Niniejszy wykład będzie składał się[…]
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Statement on the Mosque Shootings, Christchurch, NZ
AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF POLISH AFFAIRS Australijski Instytut Spraw Polskich (AIPA) Statement on the Mosque Shootings, Christchurch, NZ The Australian Institute[…]
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The murder of President Paweł Adamowicz – our voice of condemnation, protest and condolence.
Dear Members / Friends of AIPA, The recent tragic events in Poland with the murder of the Mayor of Gdansk,[…]
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Letter to the Editors: Weekend Australian Magazine online; The Australian
AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF POLISH AFFAIRS Australijski Instytut Spraw Polskich  (AIPA)   24 April 2018   Letter to the Editors: Weekend[…]
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Letter of Commitment to the Jewish Community
  In response to the latest IPN law controversy, President of the Institute, Mr Aleksander M. Gancarz,  has sent a[…]
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PRESIDENT’S REPORT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF AIPA, 28 NOVEMBER 2017 There is no doubt that fifteen months that have passed[…]
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Przemówienie Prezesa Instytutu Adama Warzela na V Kongresie Polskich Towarzystw Naukowych w Świecie, Kraków 17 – 21 października 2017
Zanim przejdę do omówienia działalności Australijskiego Instytutu Spraw Polskich, chciałbym pokrótce omówić historyczny kontekst w jakim działa Instytut i przekazać[…]
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AIPA 25th Anniversary in Melbourne
The Australian Institute of Polish Affairs (AIPA) has celebrated its 25th anniversary. On 1 February, over 80 guests gathered at the[…]
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AIPA 25 Anniversary Warsaw 22 September 2016
25th Anniversary of AIPA A celebratory function hosted by the Australian Ambassador in Poland. On 22 September 2016, His Excellency Paul[…]
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AIPA KEY Events 2015
AIPA Key Events 01/09/2014 – 01/11/2015 – a list of events and activities that have either been initiated by AIPA,[…]
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AIPA Key Events 2014
AIPA Key Events 01/11/2013 – 11/11/2014 a list of events and activities that have either been initiated by AIPA, or[…]
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20th Anniversary of AIPA Booklet
The Australian Institute of Polish Affairs celebrated its 20th Anniversary in 2011. From the very beginning the Institute formed a[…]
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Newsletter November 2013
AIPA Key Events 30/11/2011 – 2/10/2013 – a list of events and activities that have either been initiated by AIPA, or with which the Institute has been involved in other ways, both in Australia and in[…]
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Confusions about Multiculturalism
Australian multiculturalism—a policy strategy aimed at facilitating effective social integration of non-British immigrants and managing cultural diversity—was devised in the 1950s and 60s, and adopted as government policy in the 1970s. As a number of[…]
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Emigrants and their homeland. Polish-Australian society in the midst of change. Emigracja i Kraj. Polonia Australijska w Procesie Przemian
15-16/11/2012 Warsaw: Jan Pakulski gave a lecture at a sociology conference organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). The[…]
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‘Jan Karski’ – AIPA Event. Sydney,
29/11/2012 Sydney: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, Woollhara The Polish Consulate General and AIPA jointly organized a commemoration[…]
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Newsletter November 2012
The committee is very pleased to report that latter part of this year has seen an increase in events and[…]
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“Was Poland different?” Address for Symposium “Why Poland?” – Krystyna Duszniak
Was Poland different? Krystyna Duszniak When I first began studying and writing about Polish-Jewish history, my supervisor, to my great[…]
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“Why do you hate me, brother?” Address for Symposium “Why Poland?” – Adam Warzel
Adam Warzel, Address for Symposium “Why Poland? Facing the Demons of Polish- Jewish History”, Melbourne, 28 October 2012 “Why do[…]
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Symposium: “Why Poland? Facing the Demons of Polish-Jewish History”
A list of papers from symposia held by Australian Institute of Polish Affairs[…]
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Keynote Address for Symposium: “Why Poland?” – Professor Martin Krygier
Symposium “Why Poland? Facing the Demons of Polish-Jewish History”, Melbourne, 28 October 2012 “Lifting the Burden of the Past” –[…]
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Newsletter July 2011
OCCASIONAL NEWSLETTER: July 2011 AIPA future activities AIPA President Jan Pakulski initiated a collaboration with the Polish Embassy and academics[…]
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Expanding the Dialogue – 10 years of AIPA
The history of the Institute has been an enriching experience.This book documents many of its highlights so that thisimportant initiative[…]
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Australian Institute of Polish Affairs

AIPA’s principal functions are performed on a voluntary basis, and its main source of income derives from membership fees. To become a member of our Institute your nomination must be proposed and seconded by two current AIPA members. Please contact us for details if you would like to become a member.
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